How to Join with a JackTrip bridge

Before we start

You'll need the following to get connected with a JackTrip bridge.
If you'd like to connect with your computer instead, see How to Join with your Computer

  1. JackTrip Bridge
  2. Power Supply
  3. Ethernet Cable
  4. USB Audio device with compatible Microphone and Headphones

Download the Mobile App

JackTrip makes a mobile app to register and control your bridge. You can also listen to JackTrip Radio on it. Cool!

Note: the mobile app is not the same as the JackTrip app for desktop. For that, see: How to Join with your Computer

Download the app, and follow the prompts provided based on which bridge you have. It will walk you through connecting your ethernet cable and power supply so that you can connect to the bridge with Bluetooth.

You'll have to give the app permission to use Bluetooth, since that's how it detects the nearby bridge.


Click here to download JackTrip on Google Play


Click here to download JackTrip on the App Store

Connecting all the things

1. Connect the Ethernet Cable

The bridge needs internet! Connect the bridge to your Internet router or switch with the ethernet cable.

2. Connect your audio devices

Here are some diagrams showing a few options for connecting your stuff, depending on what you have.



Analog vs Digital Bridge

The Digital Bridge (black box) will only work with USB audio devices.

The Analog Bridge (white box) comes with an included interface via the 3.5mm port above the power cable, and stereo output via the RCA jacks. Nice! This allows you to use a mixer directly with the analog bridge without needing an interface.

In order to use USB audio with the analog bridge, you need to enable USB audio

You can do this at -> "Advanced Settings"

3. Connect the Power Supply

Connect USB-C power adapter to the power jack.

4. Wait for the JackTrip Bridge to power on and register

The first time your JackTrip Bridge is powered on, it can take 1-2 minutes for it to update the software and become ready for use. Do not interrupt the power while it's booting up for the first time, or you could corrupt the SD card!

1-Mobile App Bluetooth Detection

5. Connect to a studio

You should now have a bridge registered to your account and ready to connect to a studio. Click "Connect" to see the running studios that you can connect to.

2-Mobile App Bluetooth Detection

f the studio you want to join isn’t running, tell your host to start it!
If it’s already running, tell them to send you the invite link!

If you'd like to host your own studio, check out How to Host a Studio

That’s all, happy jamming!

Hosting your own studio

Want to host your own studio? Check out How to Host a Studio

Getting support

We’re dealing with some cutting edge stuff. If anything goes wrong, never fear! We’ve got you covered.

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