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Simulcasting on Facebook and YouTube

By live streaming on YouTube and Facebook directly from the JackTrip Desktop App, you can engage with your audience in real-time across multiple platforms simultaneously. Here's how you can start simulcasting your sessions with JackTrip.

Video: Live Broadcasting with JackTrip


Please note that this article focuses on simulcasting your live streams to Facebook and YouTube. If you haven't already done so, we recommend you firstly read our more general article on Recording and live streaming on JackTrip beforehand.

Enabling Simulcasting

  1. Access the Recording Menu: In the JackTrip Desktop App, navigate to the recording menu and click the "Record" button to open the Record dialogue.

  2. Public vs. Unlisted Live Stream

    Public live stream are publicly visible and posted on the JackTrip website and reach the largest possible audience. Choose Unlisted if you'd only like to share your live stream manually with a set of people. Unlisted live streams will not appear publicly on the JackTrip website.
  3. Select Platforms: Upon clicking the record button, you'll notice the additional options to stream on YouTube and Facebook Live. Choose the platforms where you want to simulcast your session.

  4. Streaming to YouTube and Facebook
    Note that, when activating the toggle to simulcast to Facebook and/or YouTube, you need to have access to a Youtube/Facebook account. In the pop-up menu, you'll have to input your account's streaming key.
    Note that at least one participant's video has to be enabled to simulcast.
  5. Obtain Stream Key: For each selected platform, you'll need to provide your account's stream key, which links your JackTrip session to the streaming account. When activating simulcasting, a pop-up will appear. Click the 'Find...' button to open a new browser window, taking you directly to YouTube's/Facebook's stream setup page, where you can find your stream key.

  6. Start Simulcast: Once you've entered the stream key for each platform, you're ready to go live. Click the "Go Live Public" button to start simulcasting your session to YouTube, Facebook, and JackTrip Radio simultaneously.

Important Considerations

  • Public Live Streams: Simulcasting shares your session with the anyone on the Internet. Ensure that you're comfortable sharing your session to a wider audience across multiple platforms. Your session will also be recorded and made publicly available after it ends. If you want to remove the recording, you'll need to do it manually on each platform.

  • Video Streaming: By default, video streaming is enabled alongside audio.

  • Stem Recordings: While simulcasting, you have the option to enable or disable stem recordings. Stem recordings capture each individual musician's audio separately for post-production flexibility. However, it does not affect your live stream itself.

For a closer look at the recording feature and managing your recordings, please take a look at our article "Recording your sessions with JackTrip".

Experience JackTrip

While exploring simulcasting options, don't forget to explore JackTrip.com, where you can discover live music performances recorded using JackTrip. You can browse top recordings or recent sessions to experience the uncompressed audio quality offered by JackTrip.

Please note that live streams on JackTrip are CD-quality (uncompressed) audio streams. Facebook and YouTube add compression to the audio.


Simulcasting with JackTrip opens up exciting possibilities for musicians to connect with audiences across various social platforms simultaneously. You don't need additional software like OBS to route your JackTrip output anymore.

Whether you're performing live or sharing collaborative sessions, simulcasting allows you to amplify your reach and engage with a wider audience in real-time. Start your simulcasting journey today and share your musical talents with the world!

For more information on recording your sessions with JackTrip, check out our Recording Your Sessions with JackTrip article.