JackTrip Studio Image for Raspberry Pi

JackTrip Foundation publishes disk images that enable you to fully manage Raspberry Pi based audio devices using the JackTrip Studio web application. This will enable anyone to build JackTrip-powered plug-and-play devices using a wide variety of sound cards.

You can download the latest image (about 330MB) at:


You can use this SHA256 checksum file to verify the download:


Note that this is a disk image that needs to be flashed to the MicroSD card using a software such as Balena Etcher. You cannot just drag and drop the file to the disk.

The image should work fine with any MicroSD card that is at least 2GB in size, which is basically any card that is currently available on the market. Please review Raspberry Pi Foundations' documentationabout selecting SD cards.

The images are a custom, minimal build of Raspbian (Debian, optimized for Raspberry Pi devices), created using the pi-gen toolset. They leverage systemd to manage the jack, jacktrip and Jamulus processes. All configuration and services are managed using a jacktrip-agent that communicates with JackTrip's web services for management.

To register a new device, use the JackTrip mobile app.
See Registering and connecting to a Studio with app.jacktrip.org for more info.

The image is designed to be managed remotely, using your web browser and the web application at https://app.jacktrip.org. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to connect a monitor or keyboard, or log into a terminal. However, if you would like to access a terminal for troubleshooting purposes, please see Troubleshooting the JackTrip Studio Image.

For Developers

Everything used to build this image is open source! The repositories are currently in fairly raw form; please forgive the warts.

Building the image requires pi-gen, and pre-built binary files for ARM located in the 00-sys-tweaks/files/ subdirectory. The missing files you need are listed in this .gitignore file.

Future plans include merging in the server-side bits (note jacktrip-agent is the same thing that runs on the audio server VMs), and possibly repackaging things into a device/server hybrid container that could theoretically run anywhere.

Pull requests are very welcome!