For OSX (catalina/mojave):
- A step-by-step guide to configuring Jacktrip for networked music performance, by Ben Loveridge
- A comprehensive video series with a Mac focus, by Jan Stoltenberg
- A quick-and-dirty step-by-step manual for getting you up-and-running with Jacktrip, by Omar Costa Hamido
- Jacktrip OSX P2P Manual, by Robert Edgar, and edited by Matt Wright, is a comprehensive manual for installing and running a Jacktrip session between two musicians: one running a JackTrip server, and one running a JackTrip client. Covers several setups from simplest (using the computer’s internal microphone and speakers) to more complex (using external audio interface and recording all music tracks separately). Covers both Catalina and Mojave operating systems. 80 Pages.
For Remote (Cloud) Hub Server Connections Guide:
- Jacktrip remote server notes, by Michael Dessen and Bonnie Kwong. How to set up a server on a cloud hosting service. Example used is a Debian server on, including how to save/re-use a disk image and how to install a GUI.