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Setting Levels in JackTrip

While JackTrip offers digital sliders to adjust your audio levels, it's often best to start with the analog controls on your audio interface. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get the best sound.

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Understanding Your Audio Interface

Your audio interface converts analog signals (like your voice or instrument) into digital signals for your computer, and vice versa for outputting sound to your headphones or speakers. If you're using an external audio interface, properly setting the amplification on your audio interface is an important first step to ensure best audio quality

Step 1: Use Your Audio Interface

Your audio interface is the first place to adjust your volume levels. It converts analog signals (from your microphone or instrument) to digital signals for your computer and vice versa for your headphones. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Microphone Gain: Set the gain on your audio interface. Start by speaking or playing your instrument at your normal volume. Adjust the gain knobs for your inputs on your audio interface until the signal is strong, but not peaking into the red zone. Aim for the yellow zone on your interface’s meter.
    Avoid Clipping: Clipping occurs when the signal is too strong and distorts. Ensure you have enough headroom by speaking or playing loudly and checking that the signal doesn’t clip.

  2. Headphone Monitoring: Most audio interfaces have a direct monitoring feature, allowing you to hear your input signal back through your connected headphones. Adjust the monitoring level on your interface to hear yourself clearly without feedback.

Step 2: Adjusting Digital Levels in JackTrip

Once your audio interface levels are set, you can fine-tune the levels using the digital sliders in the JackTrip Desktop App. Here’s a breakdown of the sliders:

  1. Send Slider: Controls how much of your signal is sent to the studio. While we recommend you set the gain on your audio interface first, you can also adjust this slider to balance your level in the mix.

  2. Studio Slider: Adjusts the volume of all other participants in your headphones. If the overall mix from the studio is too loud or too quiet for you, use this slider.

  3. Monitor Slider: Controls how loud you hear yourself in your headphones. If your interface doesn’t have a direct monitoring feature, use this slider to adjust your own level in the mix.

  4. Studio Master Slider: Change the level of your studio for everyone.
    You can find this slider in the Studio Menu, by clicking the Studio toggle.
  5. Studio Echo Slider: Controls how loudly everybody hears themselves back from your studio. While we recommend the monitoring slider or direct monitoring on your audio interface instead, this is great for testing what you sound like for everyone else.
    You can find this slider in the Studio Menu, by clicking the Studio toggle.
Trouble understanding the difference between Monitoring and Studio Echo?
This article
explains the difference in more detail.

Step 3: Test and Tweak

Before you start your session, it’s a good idea to test your levels:

  1. Speak or Play Loudly: Ensure your loudest sounds don’t clip. Adjust the gain on your audio interface if necessary.

  2. Check Balance: Make sure you can hear others clearly and that they can hear you at a comfortable volume. Change your analog gain or the digital studio sliders in JackTrip to make adjustments.

  3. Monitor Yourself: If using the monitor slider, set it to a comfortable level where you can hear yourself well in the overall mix.

Final Tips

  • Headphones: Always use wired headphones to avoid additional latency. Avoid Bluetooth headphones as they introduce delay.
  • Noise Floor: Keep in mind that raising digital levels will also raise the noise floor. Start with a good analog signal to minimize noise.
  • Communication: Keep an open line of communication with your session participants. Feedback from others can help you fine-tune your levels for the best overall mix.
  • Soundscape dynamics processing: Experienced users can even add compressors or limiters to the input or master signal chain to further address audio levels.

By carefully setting your volume levels using both your audio interface and the JackTrip Desktop App, you can ensure high-quality audio for your sessions.
Happy JackTripping!